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Warsaw-Berlin-Workshop: Urban Design Workshop together with students from Warsaw
teacher: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Kloss, Chair of Urban Renewal and Sustainable Development
The studio project will be held in cooperation with the Architecture Faculty of Politechnika Warszawska (PT Warszawska) and is organized as a student exchange between Berlin and Warsaw. Urban planning/urban design students from TU Berlin will work closely with architecture students from PT Warszawska, as well as local stakeholders.
Please note: Attending the excursion to Warsaw and the intensive workshop weeks is a compulsory requirement of the studio project. (Due to Covid-19-regulations, adjustments may be necessary.)
The topic of the urban design workshop will be announced later. The studio project will be held in English and is structured in three phases: In the initial phase, we will look at Warsaw and analyse issues related to the task for the urban design workshop. In the main part of the project, we will work in mixed design teams (architects, planners + urbanists) in Warsaw and Berlin and develop concepts and design proposals. In the final phase, we will summarise the results and compile them in a report.