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BA-KulT Phil 1,3, 5
BA-KulT FW 4
MA-Phil FW 25
MA-Phil 6
Phil-FÜS I
SE/HS Mind and Matter: Early Modern Rationalism
Di. 14-16 Uhr
Online (Anmeldung über ISIS)
Beginn: 19.04.2022
Ende: 19.07.2022
In this seminar we will explore the thought of early modern rationalists, including Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. The rationalists pursued certain necessary truths derived from self-evident principles and innate ideas. Although generally distrustful of empirical investigations, they still contributed to scientific advancement, especially in physics and mathematics. Some topics we will discuss include Descartes' substance dualism, and the connected problem of mind-body interaction, the rationalists' views on free will, Spinoza's necessitarianism, and Leibniz's famous pronouncement that we live in the best possible world.