Zusatzinformationen BA-KulT FW 4
MA-PHIL 3, 5
Fr. 14-16 Uhr„Models in the Engineering- and Geo-Sciences: An HPS perspective”
Beginn: 21.10.2021
Modelling is a central tool across the engineering- and geosciences. In this seminar, we will review both the history and current state of model-based inquiry in these fields. First, we will engage with debates in philosophy of science concerning the epistemic status of this type of modelling, in comparison to other scientific products such as theories and laws, and considering the differences between physical and numerical modelling. Second, we will discuss several texts in the history of science, from which we expect to gain a more comprehensive view of the origins and modern development of this type of modelling (19th– 20th centuries), from sandbox geological models, to hydraulic scale models, and to computer simulations of the climate. Third, we will address the problem of the usability of these models in decision-making processes, especially regarding risk assessment (for flood control, earthquake mitigation, environmental impact of dam projects, aviation accidents, etc.). Further issues that will be addressed throughout the course include the processes of standardization in engineering design, and the role of tacit knowledge, rules of thumb, and learning from errors in the building of geophysical models.
Oreskes, N. (2007) “From Scaling to Simulation: Changing Meanings and Ambitions of Models in Geology”. In: Science without Laws: Model Systems, Cases, and Exemplary Narratives , ed. by A. Creager, E. Lunbeck, M.N. Wise. Duke Univ. Press, Durham, pp. 93–124.
Sterrett, S. (2006) „Models of Machines and Models of Phenomena”. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 69-80.
Sonstige Anmerkungen:
Zielgruppe sind Studierende im MA-TGWT sowie Studierende im BA-KulT Philosophie oder Nachbarfächern, die bereits ein wenig mit Wissenschaftsphilosophie vertraut sind.
Organisationseinheiten Institut für Philosophie, Literatur-, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte, 31311100 FG Philosophie, mit dem Schwerpunkt theoretische Philosophie
Datum/Uhrzeit 14:00 - 16:00, Fr. 22.10.21 - Fr. 18.02.22, wöchentlich
Vor-/Nachbereitungsdauer 0min/0min