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#61567 / #1

Seit SoSe 2024


Natural Building Materials and Techniques in Theory and Practice (Ba)


Roswag-Klinge, Eike




Fakultät VI

Institut für Architektur (IfA)

36382100 FG Konstruktives Entwerfen und klimagerechtes Bauen



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Learning Outcomes

Students are introduced to the theoretical and practical considerations for using natural materials in existing and new construction. They gain a basic understanding of the characteristics of natural building materials compared to standard fossil-based building materials in relation to their embodied energy and life-cycle potential. They begin to assess how these characteristics relate to other considerations such as structural design and building physics. Students are introduced to a series of different construction techniques and understand how these techniques are suited to different kinds of construction tasks and building elements. They gain initial hands-on experience with selected natural building materials and techniques through practical workshops and exercises, allowing them to link theoretical knowledge to practical applications in construction. The module should give students the necessary base knowledge and experience to start applying natural building materials and techniques in their design projects. The Module transfers primarily: Fachkompetenz 30% Methodenkompetenz 30% Systemkompetenz 30% Sozialkompetenz 10 %


In the module, the following subject-specific contents will be taught: basic theoretical understanding of natural building materials as an alternative to fossil-based building materials in architecture, a basic practical understanding of the concerns that define how and where to apply natural building techniques in different contexts, introductory practical experience with the natural building materials and techniques covered in the module, basic understanding of the regulations and norms that cover natural building materials and techniques.

Module Components


All Courses are mandatory.

Course NameTypeNumberCycleLanguageSWSVZ
Natural Building Materials and Techniques in Theory and PracticeIVWiSe/SoSeGerman4

Workload and Credit Points

Natural Building Materials and Techniques in Theory and Practice (IV):

Workload descriptionMultiplierHoursTotal
Pre/post processing15.08.0h120.0h
180.0h(~6 LP)
The Workload of the module sums up to 180.0 Hours. Therefore the module contains 6 Credits.

Description of Teaching and Learning Methods

The module consists of theoretical inputs in the form of lectures or seminars accompanied by hands-on workshops. Students will work in small groups on a practical project.

Requirements for participation and examination

Desirable prerequisites for participation in the courses:


Mandatory requirements for the module test application:

This module has no requirements.

Module completion



Type of exam

Portfolio examination

Type of portfolio examination

100 Punkte insgesamt



Test elements

Documentation60writtenLearning Results
Presentation40oral10 mins

Grading scale

Notenschlüssel »Notenschlüssel 2: Fak IV (2)«


Test description (Module completion)

No information

Duration of the Module

The following number of semesters is estimated for taking and completing the module:
1 Semester.

This module may be commenced in the following semesters:
Winter- und Sommersemester.

Maximum Number of Participants

The maximum capacity of students is 40.

Registration Procedures

See www.nbl.berlin for information on the registration procedure for each semester.

Recommended reading, Lecture notes

Lecture notes

Availability:  unavailable


Electronical lecture notes

Availability:  unavailable



Recommended literature
No recommended literature given

Assigned Degree Programs

This module is used in the following Degree Programs (new System):

Studiengang / StuPOStuPOsVerwendungenErste VerwendungLetzte Verwendung
Architektur (B. Sc.)11SoSe 2024SoSe 2024


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