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#40598 / #2

SS 2014 - SS 2015


Network Architectures Specialization (small)
Netzwerkarchitekturen Spezialisierung (klein)


Feldmann, Anja


Mündliche Prüfung


Fakultät IV

Institut für Telekommunikationssysteme

34331700 FG Intelligent Networks and Management of Distributed Systems (INET)

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EN 18

Hohmeier-Toure, Birgit


The goal is to understand the theoretical background and technical details of the respective lecture (routing, security, measurement) as well as the basics of the whole range of topics. Illustrative examples deepen the comprehension such that a practical implementation of the topic at hand is obvious. These lectures are the basis on which projects and theses can be built upon. Furthermore, every participant acquires profound knowledge in his confined topic. This module is principally designed to impart: technical skills 50x , method skills 10x , system skills 30x , social skills 10x


a) The lecture „Internet Routing" first visits the basic functionality of the Internet and its protocols (HTTP & DNS; TCP & UDP; IP; Ethernet & ARP). Based on that the routing protocols used in the Internet (RIP, OSPF, BGP) are explained, and their strengths and weaknesses as well as their influence on data connections are discussed. Finally the Internets Topology, Traffic Engineering, P2P Routing and new approaches and protocols like mesh routing or IPv6 are introduced. b) „Internet Security": As common utilization of the Internet broadens, the threat from malicious programs and Users increases. To counteract this development during the design of new applications and technologies, we will try to identify and discuss the different attacks and threats (worms, viruses, denial of service). Based on that countermeasures (e.g., firewalls, network intrusion detection/prevention systems, scanners) are introduced and the challenges they are facing are explained. Besides active security tools, secure protocols (e.g., SSL, Kerberos, TLS, VPN, IPsec, WLAN Security) key management approaches and the security of different Internet services (e.g. E-Mail, SSH, VoIP, Network Storage) will be analyzed. c) The lecture „Internet Measurement" deals with the following questions: How does Internet traffic look like? Are there some characteristic properties? How and where is it possible to improve the Internet, and how can those improvements be tested? How can the previous questions be addressed, and what technical challenges does one face while monitoring? How can data privacy be ensured? Is there something to bear in mind when analyzing such measurements in a statistical manner? Is it possible to generate realistic traffic based on statistical characteristics? During the seminar „Network Architectures" students acquire scientific knowledge on a small topic on their own, prepare it as a paper, and give a talk on what they learned. Dealing with recent original scientific literature as well as practice and preparation of professional talks are the key benefits for the students. The successful completion of the seminar enables the participants to understand recent, complex and professional literature and to summarize the work. The participation in the seminar includes continuous attendance and active participation, an accepted seminar paper, and its presentation. The seminar is offered once every two years in one of the following variants: Focus Measurement: This seminar deals with recent findings and scientific research papers concerning Internet measurements. In general these topics are measuring and analyzing special characteristics (e.g., throughput, delay, jitter, RTTs, topology) of Internet traffic. Focus Routing: This seminar deals with recent findings and scientific research papers concerning Internet measurement. Topics range from improvement of routing algorithms over topology detection and emulation to traffic engineering or secure routing.



Aus den folgenden Veranstaltungen muss/müssen 2 Veranstaltung(en) abgeschlossen werden.

Internet RoutingVL0432 L 814SoSeKeine Angabe2
Internet MeasurementVL0432 L 813SoSeKeine Angabe2
Internet SecurityVL0434 L 962SoSeKeine Angabe2
Network Architectures: Internet MeasurementSEM0432 L 822SoSeKeine Angabe2
Network Architectures: Internet RoutingSEM0432 L 822WiSeKeine Angabe2

Arbeitsaufwand und Leistungspunkte

Internet Routing (VL):

Attendance of lecture15.02.0h30.0h
preparation and rework of the lecture:15.03.0h45.0h
preparation for the exam1.015.0h15.0h
90.0h(~3 LP)

Internet Measurement (VL):

Attendance of lecture15.02.0h30.0h
preparation and rework of the lecture:15.03.0h45.0h
preparation for the exam1.015.0h15.0h
90.0h(~3 LP)

Internet Security (VL):

Attendance of lecture15.02.0h30.0h
preparation and rework of the lecture:15.03.0h45.0h
preparation for the exam1.015.0h15.0h
90.0h(~3 LP)

Network Architectures: Internet Measurement (SEM):

attendance of the meetings and the seminar1.020.0h20.0h
Intro into the topic, literature search1.020.0h20.0h
prepare the slides, prepare to give the talks1.020.0h20.0h
summarize the topic in a write-up, understand the topic1.030.0h30.0h
90.0h(~3 LP)

Network Architectures: Internet Routing (SEM):

attendance of the meetings and the seminar1.020.0h20.0h
Intro into the topic, literature search1.020.0h20.0h
prepare the slides, prepare to give the talks1.020.0h20.0h
summarize the topic in a write-up, understand the topic1.030.0h30.0h
90.0h(~3 LP)
Der Aufwand des Moduls summiert sich zu 180.0 Stunden. Damit umfasst das Modul 6 Leistungspunkte.

Beschreibung der Lehr- und Lernformen

Keine Angabe

Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme / Prüfung

Wünschenswerte Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme an den Lehrveranstaltungen:

Keine Angabe

Verpflichtende Voraussetzungen für die Modulprüfungsanmeldung:

Dieses Modul hat keine Prüfungsvoraussetzungen.

Abschluss des Moduls







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Dauer des Moduls

Für Belegung und Abschluss des Moduls ist folgende Semesteranzahl veranschlagt:
1 Semester.

Dieses Modul kann in folgenden Semestern begonnen werden:
Winter- und Sommersemester.

Maximale teilnehmende Personen

Die maximale Teilnehmerzahl beträgt 18.


Keine Angabe

Literaturhinweise, Skripte

Skript in Papierform

Verfügbarkeit:  nicht verfügbar


Skript in elektronischer Form

Verfügbarkeit:  verfügbar
Zusätzliche Informationen:



Empfohlene Literatur
Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Computer Networks. Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, fourth edition, 2003.
B. Krishnamurty and J. Rexford. Web Protocols and Practice: HTTP/1.1, Networking Protocols, Caching, and Traffic Measurement. Addison Wesley, Boston, MA, USA. 2001.
Huitema, Christian. Routing in the Internet. Second Edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA, 1999.
James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. Addison-Wesley, fourth edition, 2007.
John T. Moy. OSPF: Anatomy of an Internet Routing Protocol. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1998.
John W. Steward. BGP4: Inter-Domain routing in the Internet. Addison Wesley Professional. 1998.
Mark Crovella, Balachander Krishnamurthy. Internet Infrastructure: Traffic and Applications. Wiley, 2006 General references:
Raj K. Jain. The Art of computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modelling. John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
William R. Cheswick, Steven M. Bellovin, and Avial D. Rubin. Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Willy Hacker. 2nd edition. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003.
William Stallings. Cryptography and Network Security (4th edition). Prentice Hall, 2005.

Zugeordnete Studiengänge

Diese Modulversion wird in folgenden Studiengängen verwendet:

Studiengang / StuPOStuPOsVerwendungenErste VerwendungLetzte Verwendung
Dieses Modul findet in keinem Studiengang Verwendung.

Studierende anderer Studiengänge können dieses Modul ohne Kapazitätsprüfung belegen.

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