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#30154 / #8

Seit WiSe 2022/23


Modern Mass Spectrometry


Rappsilber, Juri




Fakultät III

Institut für Biotechnologie

33311600 FG Bioanalytik

MSc Biotechnologie


TIB 4/4-3

Rullmann, Edward Vincent

juri.rappsilber@tu-berlin.de, e.rullmann@tu-berlin.de

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the module, students will: • Have knowledge of the most modern applications of mass spectrometry • Have the skills to effectively read and understand scientific publications • Have the competence to critically evaluate scientific publications, e.g. by distinguishing essential information from non-essential information or by identifying weaknesses in content and methodology • Have the competence to link high-level subject content, to put it into social context and to apply it to find scientific solutions


The course covers the following topics: • Protein Identification • Chromatography • Quantitative Proteomics • High Throughput Proteomics • Co-Expression Networks • Size Exclusion Mass Spectrometry • Cross Linking Mass Spectrometry • Affinity Purification Mass Spectrometry • Limited Proteolysis Mass Spectrometry • Thermal Proteome Profiling • Proximity Labelling • Machine Learning in Proteomics The course will also improve essential scientific skills including: • Scientific literature reading skills • Critical appraisal of scientific literature • Social skills including sensitivity to diversity aspects, team work, and discussion culture

Module Components


All Courses are mandatory.

Course NameTypeNumberCycleLanguageSWSVZ
Modern Mass Spectrometry for ProteinsVL 0335 L 681WiSeEnglish2
Modern Mass Spectrometry for ProteinsSEMWiSeEnglish2

Workload and Credit Points

Modern Mass Spectrometry for Proteins (VL):

Workload descriptionMultiplierHoursTotal
60.0h(~2 LP)

Modern Mass Spectrometry for Proteins (SEM):

Workload descriptionMultiplierHoursTotal
120.0h(~4 LP)
The Workload of the module sums up to 180.0 Hours. Therefore the module contains 6 Credits.

Description of Teaching and Learning Methods

The module consists of a weekly repeating procedure each covering one of the listed topics: 1) In advance, the scientific publication is made available, which is to be read as preparation for the expert talk. 2) At the beginning of the week, an expert in the field (usually an author of the paper) gives an introductory presentation and Q&A session on the topic. 3) Students have several days to read and understand the paper and to answer the assignment questions 4) Finally, there will be a seminar to discuss the assignments, unanswered questions, and further content such as reading strategies. The course requires regular engagement and benefits from active participation in the discussion sessions. The course language is English.

Requirements for participation and examination

Desirable prerequisites for participation in the courses:

Knowledge from bioanalytics: • Mass spectrometry • Chromatography • Peptides, proteins, lipids and other biomolecules Attending the course "Advanced Bioanalytics" and "Structural Proteomics" is highly recommended.

Mandatory requirements for the module test application:

This module has no requirements.

Module completion



Type of exam

Portfolio examination

Type of portfolio examination

100 Punkte insgesamt



Test elements

Homework72written12 x 2 h
Seminar Participation25oral12 x 2 h
Feedback3written12 x 5 min

Grading scale

Notenschlüssel »Notenschlüssel 5: Fak III (1)«


Test description (Module completion)

No information

Duration of the Module

The following number of semesters is estimated for taking and completing the module:
1 Semester.

This module may be commenced in the following semesters:

Maximum Number of Participants

This module is not limited to a number of students.

Registration Procedures

Registration via the ISIS course page and via QISPOS - please note the deadlines.

Recommended reading, Lecture notes

Lecture notes

Availability:  unavailable


Electronical lecture notes

Availability:  unavailable



Recommended literature
No recommended literature given

Assigned Degree Programs

This module is used in the following Degree Programs (new System):

Studiengang / StuPOStuPOsVerwendungenErste VerwendungLetzte Verwendung
Biologische Chemie (M. Sc.)18WiSe 2022/23SoSe 2024
Biotechnologie (M. Sc.)116WiSe 2022/23SoSe 2024
Brauerei- und Getränketechnologie (M. Sc.)14WiSe 2022/23SoSe 2024


The module can be included in List A as well as List B of the biotechnology course.