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WiSe 2021/22 - WiSe 2022/23


Sustain.ALL - A collaboration lab on Sustainable Development Goals


Cominola, Andrea





Fakultät V

Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Technische Akustik

35311100 FG Fluidsystemdynamik-Strömungstechnik der Maschinen und Anlagen

Physikalische Ingenieurwissenschaft



Islam, Tamanna Nabila



After the successful completion of the module students : - have knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals and discuss the sociological, ecological, economical and ethical aspects of the SDGs with people from different disciplines. - use different methods to collect data for analyzing the needs and critical thinking, research in the target group and insightful presentation to heterogeneous audience. - conduct literature research, newest technologies, expert workshops and webinars. - are able to work with an interactive solution-based digital learning platform. - use the theoretical knowledge gained at the university including project management skills to work on SDG-related practical business projects. - analyze socio-cultural conditions, state of the art, identify the main problems related to social, economic and environmental sustainability and adapt the technology to develop a solution for it. - communicate interculturally and reflect on this communication, online (during the preparation and evaluation) and in-person. The module’s qualification profile is: Analysis and Methodology 20%, Development and Design 20%, Research and Evaluation 20%, Application and Practice 20%, Social Skills 20%.


Berlin city is aiming to reach climate neutrality by 2040. In this field, universities are playing a huge role in reducing emissions with their encouraging work and studies. By thinking greener, acting more progressively, and being more connected to nature in the process, we can create a better, cleaner, and more sustainable future. Sustain.ALL project lab is a way to shape the future with Sustainable Development Goals. Our research question is how can we bring sustainable projects into a digital world to achieve the maximum social, ecological and economic impact? The module gives an overview of Sustainable Development Goals, related to ending extreme poverty, inequality, injustice, and protecting the planet through sustainable impact. By working on various local service-learning projects, which serve the chosen SDGs, the students will learn how to make a local contribution to global targets. Before working on the projects, students will learn how to independently manage a project, how to do scientific research and present input about the topics they have chosen, and how to moderate a virtual/ presence group work. During the project phase, students will independently implement their projects together with their team members and project partners of Sustain.ALL.Partner workshops /projects allow them to expand their knowledge. The course content is divided into 2 parts: 1) Theory 2) Workshop/Project For the theoretical part , SDGs will be held in 3 different thematic clusters : Environmental ,Social and Economical. Students will also have an overview of local actions/projects serving the realization of the chosen SDGs or they will be motivated to create their projects. In the second section, the students will work on the projects that they have chosen in light of the input that they have been educated with in the first section. While students are working on their projects, seminars and excursions will be organized given by the experts in the related fields.


Compulsory area

Die folgenden Veranstaltungen sind für das Modul obligatorisch:

LehrveranstaltungenArtNummerTurnusSpracheSWS ISIS VVZ
Sustain.ALL- A collaboration Lab on Sustainable Development GoalsPJ3531 L 11416WiSe/SoSeen4

Arbeitsaufwand und Leistungspunkte

Sustain.ALL- A collaboration Lab on Sustainable Development Goals (PJ):

Preperation and Evaluation14.04.0h56.0h
Excursion and Practical work15.01.0h15.0h
Midterm Presentation15.01.0h15.0h
Final Presentation + Project Page Creation38.01.0h38.0h
180.0h(~6 LP)
Der Aufwand des Moduls summiert sich zu 180.0 Stunden. Damit umfasst das Modul 6 Leistungspunkte.

Beschreibung der Lehr- und Lernformen

The course is taught in lectures, workshops and through group assignments or team project work. These will be held in both digital and in person formats. Group assignments are organised as sustainable impact projects, undertaken by student teams mentored jointly by tutors and project partners. In the project work, students work on SDG-related problems in smaller groups (approx. 3-4 participants per group) and have workshops/excursions from experts in the field and also from project partners. The progress is documented in short presentations by the students. At the end of the semester, a final presentation with discussion/review and a video of the presentation will be prepared and evaluated. The course will be conducted in 4 hours intensive sessions each week with theory and practical team activities.

Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme / Prüfung

Wünschenswerte Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme an den Lehrveranstaltungen:

Interest in scientifically investigating the Sustainable Development Goals, creating projects and working together creatively as a team.

Verpflichtende Voraussetzungen für die Modulprüfungsanmeldung:

Dieses Modul hat keine Prüfungsvoraussetzungen.

Abschluss des Moduls




Portfolio examination

Art der Portfolioprüfung

100 Punkte insgesamt




Quizzes20flexibelweekly short recap
Midterm presentation / Assignments20flexibelMidterm Presentation 15 minutes per group + 10 minutes feedback , moderation and discussion of the lecture in groups (90 min) + scientific article presentation (5 min)
Project page creation and development20flexibelcreation of a project page at Sustain.ALL platform
Final presentation40flexibelFinal presentation (15 min) + feedback (10 min) +Video cast preparation


Notenschlüssel »Notenschlüssel 2: Fak IV (2)«


Dauer des Moduls

Für Belegung und Abschluss des Moduls ist folgende Semesteranzahl veranschlagt:
1 Semester.

Dieses Modul kann in folgenden Semestern begonnen werden:
Winter- und Sommersemester.

Maximale teilnehmende Personen

Die maximale Teilnehmerzahl beträgt 30.


Registration will follow through ISIS Course.

Literaturhinweise, Skripte

Skript in Papierform

Verfügbarkeit:  nicht verfügbar


Skript in elektronischer Form

Verfügbarkeit:  verfügbar



Empfohlene Literatur
Epstein, M. J., Elkington, J., & Herman, B. (2018). Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental and economic impacts. Routledge
Global Information Society Watch 2020 - Technology, the environment and a sustainable world: Responses from the global South. (https://www.apc.org/en/pubs/global-information-society-watch-2020-technology-environment-and-sustainable-world-responses)
Mapping and analyses of the current and future (2020 - 2030). (https://www.isi.fraunhofer.de/content/dam/isi/dokumente/ccx/mapping-eu/Mapping-HC-Final-Report-WP3-WP4.pdf)
Midilli, A., Dincer, I., & Ay, M. (2006). Green energy strategies for sustainable development. Energy policy, 34(18), 3623-3633.
Reddy, P. J. (2010). Science technology of photovoltaics. BS Publ.
Rogers, P. P., Jalal, K. F., & Boyd, J. A. (2012). An introduction to sustainable development. Earthscan.
The literature will be made available at the beginning of the semester in the ISIS platform of the course. The main literature will be based on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda)
Urban water systems under climate stress: An isotopic perspective from Berlin, Germany. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/hyp.13850)
Zero net energy consumption for building. (https://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/content/dam/ise/en/documents/press-releases/2009/press-release-zero-net-energy-consumption-for-buildings-solar-summit-2009-congress-addresses-cutting-edge-subject-of-201csolar-construction201d.pdf)

Zugeordnete Studiengänge

Dieses Modul findet in keinem Studiengang Verwendung.

Open for every study program and designed for every Bachelor and Master student.


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