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#40871 / #2

SoSe 2020 - SoSe 2022


Network Architecture - A Practical Approach (small)


Peroz, Nazir Ahmad




Fakultät IV

Institut für Softwaretechnik und Theoretische Informatik

34351900 FG Modelle und Theorie Verteilter Systeme (MTV)

No information


FH 5-2

Mailänder, Marius


Learning Outcomes

Successful participants will have the background for design and implementation of computer networks. It enables the participants to build a network router and develop a backup solution for distributed environments. Both projects will take place within a virtualized framework. Special emphasis is placed on work in teams. At the end of the course, participants will be able to cooperatively analyze and approach objectives, and give a presentation on their results.


In the course, the students will implement a service for air quality measurement. The solution will feature various sensors and mapping integration, and will be able to operate within the limited resources that are commonly found in developing countries like Afghanistan. The resulting system will then be used to set up this solution in an embedded routing device and a field test.

Module Components


All Courses are mandatory.

Course NameTypeNumberCycleLanguageSWSVZ
Network Architecture – A Practical ApproachIVk.A.No information4

Workload and Credit Points

Network Architecture – A Practical Approach (IV):

Workload descriptionMultiplierHoursTotal
180.0h(~6 LP)
The Workload of the module sums up to 180.0 Hours. Therefore the module contains 6 Credits.

Description of Teaching and Learning Methods

During the integrated course the participants will devise an air quality measurement solution for limited resource environments. Guided by the lecturer, participants will discuss possible approaches then proceed to implementation. Following that, participants will be provided with an embedded router and given the task to set up the solution therein. After enabling basic functions, they will extend its functionality with advanced features. Each participant is expected to give a presentation during the course.

Requirements for participation and examination

Desirable prerequisites for participation in the courses:

Only scholarship holders of the CS Master's Program for Afghan Lecturers are enabled to enroll. Für diese Veranstaltung sind ausschließlich Stipendiaten des CS Masterprogramms für afghanische Dozenten zugelassen.

Mandatory requirements for the module test application:

1. Requirement
Modul40873 [IT Systems in Developing Countries I] registered

Module completion



Type of exam

Portfolio examination

Type of portfolio examination

100 Punkte insgesamt



Test elements

Individual Feedback25practical25
Results of Project and Documentation50practical50

Grading scale

Notenschlüssel »Notenschlüssel 2: Fak IV (2)«


Test description (Module completion)

No information

Duration of the Module

The following number of semesters is estimated for taking and completing the module:
1 Semester.

This module may be commenced in the following semesters:
Winter- und Sommersemester.

Maximum Number of Participants

The maximum capacity of students is 25.

Registration Procedures

Online-registration via QISPOS is required.

Recommended reading, Lecture notes

Lecture notes

Availability:  unavailable


Electronical lecture notes

Availability:  available



Recommended literature
No recommended literature given

Assigned Degree Programs

This module is not used in any degree program.


No information