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#40394 / #4

SS 2017 - WiSe 2021/22


Current Research in Algorithms and Complexity


Niedermeier, Rolf




Fakultät IV

Institut für Softwaretechnik und Theoretische Informatik

34351100 FG Algorithmik und Komplexitätstheorie

No information


TEL 5-1

Thielcke, Christlinde


Learning Outcomes

On successful completion, students will be able to: - critically read and evaluate scientific papers - work independently to gain an understanding of recently published results and the methods and proofs behind - communicate the central ideas to non-experts and discuss the value of the presented findings - present a current algorithmic topic in oral and written form to a group of non-experts


The seminar uses recent publications in scientific conferences and journals, focussing on algorithms and complexity. The current topic will be announced on the website of the research group algorithmics and complexity theory (http://www.akt.tu-berlin.de/menue/teaching/).

Module Components


All Courses are mandatory.

Course NameTypeNumberCycleLanguageSWSVZ
Current Research in Algorithms and ComplexitySEMk.A.English2

Workload and Credit Points

Current Research in Algorithms and Complexity (SEM):

Workload descriptionMultiplierHoursTotal
90.0h(~3 LP)
The Workload of the module sums up to 90.0 Hours. Therefore the module contains 3 Credits.

Description of Teaching and Learning Methods

Classic seminar with talks by the participants and accompanying handouts (2-4 pages), where central ideas and methods presented in the talk are summarized. We follow typical conference talk style.

Requirements for participation and examination

Desirable prerequisites for participation in the courses:

Further knowledge on algorithms and complexity

Mandatory requirements for the module test application:

This module has no requirements.

Module completion



Type of exam

Portfolio examination

Type of portfolio examination

100 Punkte insgesamt



Test elements

(Ergebnisprüfung) handout30written5-10 pp
(Ergebnisprüfung) talk70oral45 min

Grading scale

This exam uses its own grading scale (see test description).

Test description (Module completion)

According to §47 (2) AllgStuPO the grade will be calculated applying grading key 1 of Fakultät IV, it may however be altered in favour of the students.

Duration of the Module

The following number of semesters is estimated for taking and completing the module:
1 Semester.

This module may be commenced in the following semesters:
Winter- und Sommersemester.

Maximum Number of Participants

The maximum capacity of students is 12.

Registration Procedures


Recommended reading, Lecture notes

Lecture notes

Availability:  unavailable


Electronical lecture notes

Availability:  unavailable



Recommended literature
No recommended literature given

Assigned Degree Programs

This module is used in the following Degree Programs (new System):

Studiengang / StuPOStuPOsVerwendungenErste VerwendungLetzte Verwendung
This module is not used in any degree program.


This course is not offered regularly, you will find detailed information on our website: http://www.akt.tu-berlin.de/menue/teaching/