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Ottone, Andrea
The invention of the movable type printing press represented a leap in communication history. But was it truly a revolution? Aside from the undoubtable burst in the production of written texts, did the printing press singlehandedly generate an irreversible transformation of society and culture? Our exploration of the topic will start in the late Middle Ages when the collapse of feudal society coincided with a general reset of communication infrastructures and a progressive growth of literacy and scribal practices. In so doing, we will capture the transition between manuscript and print culture and elaborate on the interaction between broad social dynamics and technological transformation to analyze their twofold relationship. Our journey will then touch on key cultural and political shifts of the early modern period including the consolidation of Renaissance culture, the Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution. Our focus on book history will be instrumental in animating a discussion on technological evolution, with particular reference to communication technology.
El-Hajj, Hassan
The constant efforts to digitalize our past, whether it be ancient texts or artifacts, ensures that the modern humanist is increasingly facing the prospect of studying digital representations of their subjects. This course aims to introduce students to current methods and approaches dedicated to the study of these digital sources, as well as to investigate what new questions can be answered by studying the digital material through state-of-the-art case studies. Throughout this process, students will learn to use some of the common tools in digital scholarship, starting from bibliographic management tools such as Zotero, to more complex computational tools such as those for Optical Character Recognition (OCR), as well as a gentle introduction to the use of Machine Learning in the humanities.
Rudolf, Stefanie
An overview of the history of medicine will be part of the seminar, as well as a discussion of its relation to the history of sciences and the status of medicine as a science (or art). We will then focus on pathbreaking periods in the history of medicine from Antiquity to the present day, particular methods and medical conceptions (like spiritual medicine, the location of the soul in the body, the role and validity of experience and experiment).
Siebert, Harald
Der Begriff der Transkulturalität entstand im Kontext anthropologischer und postkolonialer Untersuchungen Mitte des 20. Jh., wurde in den 1990er Jahren von der Kulturphilosophie und der Globalgeschichtsschreibung aufgegriffen, lieferte einen Namen für neu begründete Zeitschriften und Studiengänge (Transcultural Studies) und fand in den 2010er Jahren Eingang in die Mittelalterforschung (transkulturelle Verflechtungsgeschichte). Interkulturelle Phänomene sind hier wie in der wissenschaftshistorischen Forschung nichts Neues. Was kann Transkulturalität als eigener Ansatz oder Forschungsrichtung für die Wissenschaftsgeschichte bieten? Das Seminar will klären, was eine transkulturelle Perspektive ausmacht und ob sich damit ein anderer Blick auf historische Prozesse und Narrative gewinnen lässt.