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Zimmer, Fabian
Das 3 SWS umfassende Seminar bietet eine Einführung in die Theorien, wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsmethoden und in zentrale Forschungsfragen der Wissenschaftsgeschichte und der Technikgeschichte. Neben der Lektüre von grundlegenden Texten zu Perspektiven, Problemen und Kontroversen der Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte werden zentrale Begriffe, wissenschaftliche Hilfsmittel und Publikationsforen der Fächer vorgestellt. Der Einführungskurs richtet sich an Studierende des MA-TGWT; Studierenden aus nicht-historischen Fächern wird der Besuch des begleitenden Tutoriums empfohlen.
The goal of the seminar is to get an understanding of the fundamental theoretical and algorithmic aspects of distributed and networked systems, and their applicability in state-of-the-art and emerging technology. You will learntechniques to model, analyze and optimize networked systems, and get an understanding of emerging trends andapplications.
Given the popularity of data-driven applications (e.g., related to business, health and entertainment) and artificialintelligence, computing systems are becoming increasingly distributed and networked. This results in increasingly stringent performance and dependability requirements on such systems. In this seminar, we discuss emerging and innovative new approaches to improve the efficiency and security of distributed and networked systems. We will revisit the theoretical foundations of networked and distributed systems, the underlying fundamental algorithms and optimizations they rely on, and discuss their applicability in modern networks. We will also discuss recent proposals in the literature which aim to render distributed and networked systems more flexible and secure, and explore further optimization opportunities.
Contents: The seminar revolve around fundamental problems and design principles. A tentative outline of the main topics to becovered in the course are
* Network algorithms and theory of networking
* Distributed algorithms and optimization
* Decentralization and scalability
* Emerging networking technology and applications, and their impact on models and optimizations.