Wissenssoziologie/ Sociology of Knowledge, Mi 10-12, FH 312, Hubert Knoblauch WiSe 2022/23
Since its inception, sociology has been concerned with knowledge. Knowledge is by no means to be understood only as the product of science or sociology. To the sociology of knowledge, it is also a subject matter to be observed, to be studied and analzed. In this sense, knowledge designates those areas of meaning, action and culture that characterize human societies, human culture and human sociality.
This course is intended to introduce students into the various historical and present approaches to the sociology of knowledge. In this respect, it also contributes to deepen their knowledge of social theory. In addition, the course is also discussing various methodological and empirical approaches to studying knowledge, meaning, discourse, practices – concepts related to knowledge. doing so, we will follow the pluralistic conception of sociological theorizing that was unfolded in the BA lecture: Starting from their own sociological approach to knowledge, students will be made familiar with the most important theoretical approaches of classical and contemporary sociology.
In this semester, the course will be held in English. Although one may claim that the sociology of knowledge is more elaborate and diffentiated in the German speaking aree, one major reason for this choice of language is that the course will relate in a more explicit way to the discussion in anglophone sociology.
Voraussetzung zur Erlangung eines Leistungsnachweises
- Regelmäßige aktive Teilnahme/ Regular active participation
- Beantwortung von drei Fragen zur Vorlesung innerhalb einer Woche/ Answers to three questions posed after the lecture tob e answered in ISIS
- oder Formulierung von drei Fragen zur jeweiligen Vorlesung innerhalb der Sitzung/ Three questions for discussion directly after the lecture live
- Mündliches Gespräch zu einem Thema der Vorlesung (Oral exam on the topic of one lecture or a topic to be negotiated)
- oder einem Thema nach Absprache (gerne „Sociology-of-Knowledge-Mining“)
- gegebenenfalls Ersatzleistung nach Absprache / or a substitute (to be negotiated)
1. Termingruppe
36371300 FG Soziologie, insbesondere Theorie moderner Gesellschaften
Knoblauch, Hubert
10:00 - 12:00, Mi., Mi. 19.10.22, Mi. 26.10.22, Mi. 02.11.22, Mi. 09.11.22, Mi. 16.11.22, Mi. 23.11.22, Mi. 30.11.22, Mi. 07.12.22, Mi. 14.12.22, Mi. 04.01.23, Mi. 11.01.23, Mi. 18.01.23, Mi. 25.01.23, Mi. 01.02.23, Mi. 08.02.23, Mi. 15.02.23