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Sperrung für Reparaturen.
The seminar focuses on exploring international business communication from a linguistic perspective. We will focus in particular on communication in online business contexts, mostly in English and English as a Lingua franca (ELF). A key area of interest is webcare, advertising and discourse in social media environments, such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Particular focus areas are discourse structure (e.g. storytelling in IG stories), multimodality (in particular video content such as reels, emoji use, or visual storytelling), online interaction (e.g. in comments, discussions, or cooperative formats such as TikTok duets, or in video-based interaction via Zoom etc.), negotiation of meaning and identity, plurilingualism, and general language aspects such as lexis and syntax. Participants will observe and collect examples of online communication and interaction and analyze them, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Course requirements are detailed in the respective module descriptions.
Fachtagung in Kooperation mit dem ift.
Please verify the dates of the lectures/tutorials on the website of the respective TU group ( Please also read the admission rules for this module on the group website on-time, i.e., before the semester starts.