ACHTUNG: Das Seminar SOLIDARITÄT – EIN FEMINISTISCHES KONZEPT? Findet nicht, wie angekündigt, am Mittwoch, 16-18 Uhr, sondern am Dienstag, 10-12 Uhr statt. Es wird gemeinsam mit Dr. Moritz Ahlert, Habitat Unit, Architektur, TU Berlin, angeboten. Hier die aktualisierte Beschreibung.
Seminarsprachen sind Englisch und Deutsch! Raum: A 505 (Architekturgebäude, Marchstraße)
Kiosk of Solidarity
This seminar accompanies the urban practice format ›Kiosk of Solidarity‹. In the summer of 2023, our Kiosk will travel throughout Berlin. Six pre-selected Berlin grassroots organizations will host the kiosk for one week at alternating locations and with the formats of their choice (workshops, talks, screenings, bar, cooking events, etc.).
As a low-threshold everyday typology the kiosk marks a special form of solidary urban production: it works as an inner-city laboratory, as a moving place of resistance, and as a place of knowledge exchange.
The ›Kiosk of Solidarity‹ thus creates a platform to inter- and transdisciplinary engage with the areas of work, housing, and health, which we understand both as crucial areas of social reproduction and arenas in which solidarity is politically, socially and materially negotiated today.
The ›Kiosk of Solidarity‹ will be built by ConstructLab bringing together local initiatives and neighborhoods at the various locations. It shall be a platform to collect local knowledge and initiate or strengthen transformative processes of urban creation based on solidarity. To understand the multiply related conditions that either enable or hinder solidarity as well as the practices and infrastructures in which (old and new) solidarities emerge and are negotiated, students will independently research the selected case studies in the multi-scalar fields of work, housing, and health and collaborate with the initiatives while these are hosting the kiosk. Readings and Input lectures will introduce current debates on solidarity in urban studies, sociology, feminist theory, and related fields.
Kiosk of Solidarity (deutsch/ englisch)
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Frauen*- und Geschlechterforschung (ZiFG)
Hark, Sabine
Di. 18.04 - 18.07.23, wöchentlich, 10:00 - 12:00