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Tanswell, Fenner
LV-Nr.: 3130 L 017
BA KulT PHIL 2 (Pflichtveranstaltung)
IV Logik und philosophisches Argumentieren
Do. 14-16
Präsenz (Anmeldung über ISIS)
Raum FH 313
Beginn: 20.04.2023
Ende: 20.07.2023
Sprache: Englisch
This integrated course will provide a first introduction to philosophical argumentation and formal logic. The logical part will involve learning both propositional and predicate logic, involving truth tables, truth trees, and natural deduction for both systems. We will learn how to formalize natural language arguments into formal logic, and consider the benefits and limits of this process. In the argumentation part we will look at what makes an argument good, convincing and persuasive, or bad and unpersuasive. We will learn how arguments work in different contexts, using classic argumentation models by Toulmin and Walton. We shall examine common fallacies, and what makes them fallacious. Across the seminar, students will learn key concepts such as validity, soundness, truth-functionality, and logical form, and the difference between deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning. This course is mandatory for the module BA KulT PHIL 2 and covers the material that will be examined in a written exam (Klausur/Modulabschlussprüfung, see “Modulkatalog” for details).